Ile and Seil's Testimonial - Walking in Oxford
About Ile and Seil
Ile and Seil have parents (that's the human variety) who are Scottish so their dogs are named after Scottish Islands. Ile is 11 and Seil is 5; they both have lovely natures and are extremely well behaved. Ile likes a gentle and relaxed walk while Seil always takes his favourite toy for a throw and fetch. The three of us always have an enjoyable time together.
Testimonial from Derek B
Alice has been walking Ile and Seil (Weimaraners) for a few months now. The best testimonial would be from them but they can’t write or speak so they’ve asked me to do one: "We are very happy with Alice, she lets us run around but keeps us safe and we are happy to return to her (on our terms of course) whenever she asks or whenever we have finished what we are doing. When we return to our kennel after our walk she leaves us our lunch which we promptly eat. We then go to sleep quite contently for a few hours till our mum and dad return from generating our food vouchers."