Dog Walking in the Modern Age

Taking your dog for a walk used to be so simple. You put on your coat and your wellies; you made sure he or she had a collar on; you attached a lead to that collar; you left the world behind and off you went.

It's very different nowadays. First, it's obligatory to take your phone with you, just in case anything exciting happens in the world that just can't wait. Mind you, I strongly believe that those of us who are professional dog walkers should not answer or make calls on our mobiles while we are actually doing our job; otherwise it's an insult to our customer  --  that is of course the dog  --  who is entitled to our undivided attention.

Then there's the question of what to wear. Shall I put on my dalmatian style leggings today or my T shirt emblazoned with ' A dog is not just for June 17th ' [ I don't know why June 17th but that gets people thinking ] and shall I take my highly decorated designer whistle?

Then there's my dog. Shall it be the frilly or the tartan collar? Would he or she like a glorious technicolour bandana? And how about those special treats  --  the chews in the shape of a solid gold mini-drinking bowl?

There are so many choices and some excellent firms to cater for our every need, wish and whim. But sometimes at least, when we're not too worried about what the rest of the world thinks, I'll put on my wellies; Poppy will need her ten year old red collar and we'll just stride out across Port Meadow without a care in the world.