Happy Christmas Common (School Trip #10)

A merry time was had by all at Christmas Common this week on the December school trip! Barley, Fergus, Bob, Jambo, Jack, and Thor had great fun exploring a wooded hillside, searching for elves and festive treats. Starting from the Watlington Hill National Trust Car Park, we followed the well marked paths through ash and beech trees and found some beautiful open grassland and views of the Oxfordshire Plain.

The origin of the Chiltern Hamlet’s name is a little uncertain, it might be linked to a Christmas Day truce during the English Civil War, local holly tree coppices or the local Christmas family. No time for the dogs to ponder this though, there were too many rabbit holes to sniff and trees to run around.

Bob and Jambo are serial rabbit hole divers, so were kept on the lead with Thor staying keeping them company, watching Barley and Fergus chasing each other up and down the slopes. We had a very lovely walk, but also the least successful group photo to date… Convincing six dogs to sit still with so many exciting things to smell and wee on is very tricky!!


Stowe (School Trip #8)

October’s dog outing sent us Northwards to Stowe. Fergus, Gus, Ted and Thor came along to sniff one of the most remarkable legacies of Georgian England.

The huge National Trust owned gardens and surrounding parkland are a maze of temples, monuments and pavilions. Our dog pack loved discovering what really old buildings smell like and bounding down the open valleys! We were gifted with blue skies and beautiful Autumnal light, so lots of fun was had by everyone.

These four all get along so nicely now it’s the sweetest thing! Although Ted did find a particularly great stick, and barked a lot to let Fergus know who’s it was. On the drive back Gus and Thor, very adorably, had a snooze cuddled up together like brothers.


The dogs very much enjoyed the Circle of the Dancing Faun, a set of funny statues of shepherds doing a country dance. Alice also evidently also very much enjoyed the figures!