School Trip to (not quite) Bibury...

Thor, Fergus, Ted and Alice all packed their bags and travelled to the charming village of Bibury in the heart of the Cotswolds. Arriving in the car Alice soon realised that it was a hub for tourists! After getting the dogs out of the car and being swarmed by people wanting to either take photos or pet the dogs she decided to swiftly move on. Luckily due to the vast amount of land around Bibury there was a lovely public footpath among the fields.  The surrounding area was beautiful with rolling hills where they could properly explore and run free. Fergus and Ted galloped in the long grass whilst Thor who is a little smaller jumped like a baby gazelle!


It was a very hot day, so we were all grateful to find a shady spot in the woodland to rest and munch on some grass (not Alice). On the way back Ted found a water trough which he was very proud of and it was a classic school photo with Thor insisting on not sitting still long enough! We already can’t wait for the next excursion!
